What Lies Between You and Your Good Life?
According to Aristotle, a person could achieve The Good Life by soulfully engaging in acts that align with virtues.
EntreThrive's eudaimonic approach to well-being expands entrepreneurial thinking to bring attention from challenges to encompass the outer rim; 8 laws, habits, and practices based on virtuous acts that strengthen character to enable a happier and more fulfilling way of living.
What many entrepreneurs don't realize is that there is another area we must focus on to achieve The Good Life.
If we can expand our awareness and focus our attention towards evidence-based principles of thriving (The Eight Laws of EntreThrive™), we can enhance our well-being by focusing on:positive emotions, engagement, relationships, meaning and accomplishment the PERMA Model of Well-being (Seligman, 2018).
The 8 Laws of EntreThrive™
1. The Law of Entrepreneurial Clarity: EntreClarity Your guiding truths illuminate your way.
2. The Law of Entrepreneurial Creativity: EntreCreate You believe in creating a better way and a bigger world.
3. The Law of Entrepreneurial Grit: EntreGrit What you feel called to create fuels your staying power.
4. The Law of Entrepreneurial Connections: EntreConnections The strength of your relationships often mirrors the success of your business.
5. The Law of Entrepreneurial Faith: EntreFaith Your future is brighter than what you can see and feel.
6. The Law of Entrepreneurial Habits: EntreHabits Ultimate performance flows from your unconscious choices.
7. The Law of Entrepreneurial Vigor: EntreVigor The energy you carry, carries you.
8. The Law of Entrepreneurial Agency: EntreAgency The Good Lift you desire is your responsibility to create.
With this expansive and holistic approach, what lies between you and your Good Life is both a choice and an opportunity for a more sustainable and happier way of living.
- Aaron Marcum,
Entrepreneur, Founder, and CEO of EntreThrive
Master of Applied Positive Psychology (University of Pennsylvania)